
A Fabric Scrap Filing System for Small Spaces

How on earth do you organize all those fabric scraps in a tiny space? Especially if, like me, your sewing space is just one corner of a multipurpose room?  I accidentally came up with an effective Fabric Scrap Filing System for Small Spaces and couldn't wait to share it. The problem: Before When it became clear that my method of just throwing all my scraps in a big storage cubby was dysfunctional (I spent way too much time pawing through it unsuccessfully), I searched for fabric scrap organization ideas. And while I learned a thing or two, I didn't end up finding the Ultimate Fabric Scrap Storage Solution on the internet (okay I did, but couldn't afford it ). The articles I read did spur my creative thinking, though. I learned that it's important to consider what type of sewist you are before you create your storage system. For example, if you're a quilter, you may want to hang on to even very tiny scraps, but if you sew mostly clothing, a "usable" scrap
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